Clio Area Schools

Multi Tiered Systems of Support: Academic

To improve our academic achievement, the Clio Area School District provides a multi tiered system of support in which teachers, support staff and administrators work diligently to meet students' needs both academically and behaviorally. Each tier is designed to problem-solve learning challenges with a different approach to ensure we are efficient in our response to intervening where it is needed. Eighty (80) percent of all interventions happen in the general education classroom. This is done through classroom interventions instituted by our teachers. This is known as a Tier I intervention. Fifteen (15) percent of our interventions are facilitated by highly trained support staff in small groups which are pulled out of classrooms or whole class settings to leverage research-based intervention strategies. Students who continue to struggle are engaged with more intensive strategies in even smaller groups outside of the classroom experience. This is done before and after the school day in addition to daytime activities. The following infographics are representations of our Reading and Math MTSS Programs:

Reading MTSS ModelMath MTSS Model

This is the RTI work the led to Carter Middle School closing achievement gaps and removed from Focus School designation.

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