Clio Area Schools

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

Parents/guardians will:

  • Support safe riding practices and reasonable discipline practices.
  • Model, teach, and hold their students accountable for appropriate behavior.
  • Make certain that their students arrive at the bus stop on time and be responsible for their students' behavior until the bus arrives. Parents/guardians are responsible for their students going to, from, and at the bus stop.
  • Provide alternate transportation for their student if oversized objects or live animals must be transported to or from school, or when a student's bus riding privileges are suspended.
  • Ensure that payment is made for damages resulting from vandalism to the bus.
  • Work with school personnel to reinforce appropriate bus rider behavior.
  • Have a family emergency plan if a student arrives home early, or if parents/guardians are not present at the time of their arrival.
  • Support emergency evacuation drills and other emergency procedures as set by the school district.
  • Become familiar with district policies, regulations, and principles of school bus safety.
  • Be willing to show a photo ID to the driver when picking up students.
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