Clio Area Schools

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your hours of operation, address and telephone number?

During the school year we are open from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm.

We are located at:

2242 W. Vienna
Clio, MI 48420

Is my child supposed to be crossing the street?

If your district provides transportation, it will be provided in accordance with the requirements of MCL 380.1321, Section 55 of the Pupil Transportation Act, and local district policy with regard to the placement of the bus stop. So the answer is Yes and No, depending on where it is.

How can I find out if school is canceled ?

School cancellation information is available by radio at any local station.

School information can also be found on any of the following local news stations. (ABC, FOX< NBC, CBS) In addition, you can check the district webpage:, district facebook page: clio area schools, or sign up to receive free text by texting @clioareaschools to 23559.

How many students does a bus hold ?

We have buses designed to carry a maximum of 71 students. We NEVER exceed the maximum capacity of any bus at any time.

Why can't my son/daughter ride the bus to a friend's house?

Each student entitled to transportation will be assigned to a specific bus and bus stop, which will be the same for the entire year unless a change is requested by a parent and approved by the Transportation Supervisor. If a student requires transportation to or from an alternate address for child care purposes, an "Alternate Bus Stop Form" must be completed by the parent or guardian. These forms are available at all schools and must be turned into the Transportation Department. We ask for 24 hours notice to ensure that the change does not result in the overcrowding of any bus, alter any regular route, bus stop, schedule, or in any other way interfere with the regular operation of the transportation system.

What is Doubling and Why is it done?

Doubling a bus run happens when there are not enough bus drivers available. When this happens, the bus run will be split up and students will be placed on another bus that has stops in the same area.

When a bus run is Doubled, we make every effort to keep any extra time spent on the bus to a minimum. If you wish to know the status of your child's bus run at any time, you are welcome to call us at (810) 591-0310.

If you have any questions comments or suggestions, we would like to hear from you.

Can I pick up my son or daughter at a different stop other than their assigned or designated stop:

No. This is for the safety of all children. It also can affect the stop times of other children whose parents or guardians are expecting their children at certain times.

Isn't the school district required to transport my child?

School districts are NOT required by law to transport regular education children. Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1321 outlines the obligations of the school district IF its board of education elects to provide transportation. Under Article 3 of the Revised School Code, the school district is obligated to provide for the transportation of a special education student if the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) has determined that the transportation is a specialized service which is included within and necessary to carry out the student's IEP.

My child is starting kindergarten. Will the bus pick my child up in front of my house?

There are no special laws or regulations for transporting regular education students enrolled in kindergarten. If your district provides transportation, it will be provided in accordance with the requirements of MCL 380/1321, Section 55 of the Pupil Transportation Act, and local district policy with regard to the placement of the bus stop.

Is there a law about how far my child has to walk to the bus stop?

No law specifies the maximum distance a student may walk to the bus stop.

Is there a specified distance that must exist between school bus stops?

The lights on a school bus which are used to notify other traffic of an upcoming stop must, by law, be activated 200 feet from the stop. Thus, bus stops must be at least 200 feet apart.

What about the safety of my child getting to and from the bus stop? There are no sidewalks where we live and it's not very safe walking on the busy road we live on.

It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to see that a child gets safely to and from the bus stop. the school district provides transportation as a non-mandated service and establishes placement of the bus stops in accordance with the requirements of the law.

My child spends over two hours a day just riding the bus to and from school. Is there a maximum riding time in the law?

There is no maximum riding time in the law for children in kindergarten through grade twelve. Child care licensing regulations establish a maximum riding time of 60 continuous minutes for the transportation of preschool children.

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