Clio Area Schools

Bus Stops

Bus stops and bus routes are established on the basis of safety, efficiency, state laws and recommendations, and school board policy. Bus stop locations must avoid as much traffic as possible. Stops shall not be on a hill, or before or after a curve. Buses shall be visible in both directions at designated stops, and bus stops shall be at least 200 feet apart.

  • Bus stops shall not be located on cul-de-sac streets. There is too great of a danger involved whenever a school bus has to back up and turn around to proceed on the route. The Michigan Department of Education recommends that backing of a school bus shall be avoided whenever possible.
  • Bus stops will be placed at locations consistent with state laws and board policy.
  • Students are required to arrive at the bus stop 15 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival of the bus. This will allow time to catch the bus, but not enough time for problems among students to arise. Bus arrival times are subject to change. Parents/guardians are responsible for their students until the bus arrives.
  • As required by state law, all students shall cross in front of the school bus. They will receive instruction on proper crossing procedures from bus drivers. Parents/guardians who meet students at the bus stop should follow this important safety rule.

Please note: Due to circumstances that may or may not be under control of the school district:

  • The district reserves the right to change stops and routes when necessary.
  • Walking distances and bus routes may be adjusted temporarily, if necessary, because of unsafe or impassable roads.
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