New Course Adoption/New Course Material Cycle and Timelines
There comes a time when reviewing curriculum and course offerings, and a realization occurs that results in the need for new or different courses. The curriculum and course review process should be intentional and data driven. The following outline should be used in making recommendations to the Instructional Advisory Committee for new materials and new course offerings.
New Course Materials:
YEAR 1: Needs Assessment
September-June: Review Course Data, Curriculum Maps and Standards Alignment (New Standards Adoptions Should Accelerate this Activity) During PLC Process and During Department Meetings.
IAC Late September/Early October: Principal and IAC Representatives Are Made Aware of Data Concerns. Begin to action research to Find Training and/or Materials to Support Needs.
IAC Early December: Present research findings and request a complete curriculum/material review.
January/February: Engage in Curriculum and Vendor Review and Dialogue
IAC Mid-February Update IAC on materials.
April/May: Make Pilot Recommendation to IAC
June-August: Review Pilot Materials
YEAR 2: Pilot Materials/Superintendent Recommendation
IAC Late September/Early October: Update IAC
IAC Early December: Update IAC
IAC Mid February: Update IAC
April: Make Selection
IAC April/May: Recommend Selection to IAC
1st May Board of Education Meeting: Present to Board of Education as Future Action
2nd May Board of Education Meeting: Board vote/adoption
YEAR 3: Purchase and Implementation
July 1 Purchase materials
July-August Materials Arrive/Optional Early Professional Development
September: Professional Development and Implementation
New Course Proposals:
YEAR 1: Needs Assessment
September-June: Monitor Student Responses to Current Course Offerings, Student Interests, Workforce Development Needs and Staff Abilities.
September-June: Begin developing a proposal for IAC and Board to Consider. This should include rationale for new course, learning expectations, curriculum map if possible, materials needs, human resources needs and where it would fit into the master schedule.
YEAR 2: Proposal to IAC/Board Adoption/Communicate and Market to Students and Parents/NCAA Approval (HS Only)/Materials Selection
IAC Late September/Early October: Bring New Course Intention for Following Year. Share rationale.
IAC Early December: Propose to IAC.
First December Board Meeting: Present as Future Action
Second December Board Meeting: Board Adoption
December/January: Place in High School/Middle School Course Catalogues
December/January: Apply for NCAA Approval if appropriate
January/February: Introduce to Students and Parents at School Counseling Sessions and Parent Curriculum Nights
February-March: Student Course Selections
March-June: Should get news from NCAA that new course was approved or denied.(This process can take a very long time. If not followed exactly, NCAA will deny.)
April: Principal makes decision to run course or not based on enrollment.
July: Order materials needed.
YEAR 3: Implementation
June-August: Early PD if available.
September-June: Implementation, Common Local Assessment Creation and Use, Curriculum Maps followed. Adjustments made through PLC process.
Accelerating this process may be possible depending upon need and budget.