(810) 591-2691
Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on School Days
"The safety of your children is our first concern and number one priority. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions, complaints, or input of any kind."
BUS TIMES: Please keep in mind that the pick up and drop off times are approximate. Times can fluctuate due to weather, lack of students on the bus and etc., so be prepared for the bus to arrive anywhere from 15 minutes earlier or later than the regular bus time.
BABYSITTER ARRANGEMENTS: If your child needs to be picked up or dropped off somewhere other than their home address, then you will need to fill out an alternate bus stop form. This form is available here or go to the forms tab that is listed on the right side of this page. Forms are also available in the school offices. You can call (810) 591-0310 if you need help filling out this form.
NEXT YEAR SITTER ARRANGEMENTS OR MOVING ? If you will be moving over the summer months or your child will have a sitter arrangement next year that will affect their transportation needs - Please give this information to the Transportation Department as soon as possible. We spend the summer months routing the buses and this information will help us to maintain accuracy.